A Comparative Analysis of Lightweight Cryptographic Protocols for Enhanced Communication Security in Resource-Constrained Internet of Things (IoT) Environments
Published 30-12-2022
- Internet of Things (IoT),
- Security Protocols,
- Lightweight Cryptography,
- Resource-Constrained Devices,
- Communication Security
- Performance Evaluation,
- Cryptographic Strength,
- Key Management,
- Message Integrity,
- Use Cases ...More

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The exponential growth of Internet of Things (IoT) devices embedded within cyber-physical systems and everyday applications has ushered in a new era of interconnected intelligence. However, the inherent resource limitations of these devices, characterized by low processing power, restricted memory, and often limited battery life, pose significant challenges in securing communication channels. Traditional cryptographic algorithms, while demonstrably robust, often incur significant computational overhead and memory footprint, rendering them unsuitable for deployment on resource-constrained IoT devices. This necessitates the exploration of lightweight cryptographic protocols specifically designed to balance security efficacy with efficient resource utilization within the confines of the IoT domain.
This research paper presents a comprehensive comparative analysis of prominent lightweight security protocols tailored for IoT environments. The analysis delves into three well-established protocols: Lightweight Secure Messaging Protocol (LSMWP), Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) with Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS), and Efficient Cryptographic Primitives for Internet of Things (ECIoT). The evaluation employs a multifaceted approach, encompassing three key dimensions: security effectiveness, performance efficiency, and suitability for diverse IoT use cases.
On the security front, the paper meticulously examines the cryptographic strength of the ciphers and hash functions employed by each protocol. This analysis assesses their resistance to well-known cryptanalytic attacks, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of data exchanged between IoT devices. Furthermore, the research scrutinizes the key management strategies adopted by each protocol, evaluating their effectiveness in mitigating key exposure and unauthorized device impersonation. Finally, the analysis investigates the message integrity mechanisms employed by the protocols, ensuring data hasn't been tampered with during transmission across the network.
Performance efficiency is a critical concern for resource-constrained IoT devices. The paper leverages established performance benchmarks from existing literature to compare the processing overhead introduced by each protocol. This includes evaluating the impact on encryption/decryption times, message signing/verification operations, and overall communication latency. Additionally, the research assesses the memory footprint of each protocol, considering the limited memory resources available on IoT devices.
The final dimension of the analysis explores the suitability of each protocol for various IoT use cases. The paper considers factors such as the sensitivity of the data being transmitted, the processing capabilities of the devices involved, and the real-time constraints of the application. By mapping the strengths and weaknesses of each protocol to specific use cases, the research aims to provide valuable insights for developers and security professionals in selecting the optimal protocol for their unique IoT deployment scenarios.
Through this comprehensive evaluation, the paper aims to bridge the knowledge gap regarding the trade-offs between security and performance inherent in lightweight cryptographic protocols for IoT environments. The findings will contribute to the development of secure and efficient communication strategies, ultimately fostering a more robust and trustworthy IoT ecosystem.
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