Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): African Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Development

AI-Augmented Traffic Analysis for Intrusion Detection in Software-Defined Networks: A Hybrid Approach

Julia Green
Lead AI Engineer, NVIDIA, Santa Clara, USA

Published 23-06-2023


  • AI,
  • machine learning,
  • deep learning,
  • intrusion detection system,
  • Software-Defined Networks,
  • anomaly detection,
  • traffic analysis
  • ...More


In the era of rapidly advancing network technologies, Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has emerged as a promising architecture for managing and controlling network traffic. However, the openness and centralized control of SDN introduce unique security challenges, particularly in detecting and mitigating intrusions. Traditional intrusion detection systems (IDS) often struggle to keep pace with the dynamic and complex nature of SDN environments. This paper proposes an AI-augmented traffic analysis framework for intrusion detection in SDNs, leveraging a hybrid approach that combines machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) techniques. The hybrid system aims to enhance detection accuracy, reduce false positives, and improve real-time performance. We explore the integration of AI models into SDN traffic flows, examining their application in anomaly detection, pattern recognition, and predictive modeling. Through a detailed review of existing research, we assess the potential and limitations of AI-driven IDS in SDNs, providing a roadmap for future research in this area.



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