Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): African Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Development

Cognitive Modeling for Human-Vehicle Interaction - Implications for Cybersecurity in Autonomous Vehicles: Utilizes cognitive modeling techniques to understand human-vehicle interaction and its implications for cybersecurity in Avs

Dr. Sun-Young Park
Professor of Electrical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

Published 14-09-2023


  • Cognitive Modeling,
  • Human-Vehicle Interaction,
  • Autonomous Vehicles

How to Cite

Dr. Sun-Young Park, “Cognitive Modeling for Human-Vehicle Interaction - Implications for Cybersecurity in Autonomous Vehicles: Utilizes cognitive modeling techniques to understand human-vehicle interaction and its implications for cybersecurity in Avs”, African J. of Artificial Int. and Sust. Dev., vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 85–95, Sep. 2023, Accessed: Oct. 05, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://africansciencegroup.com/index.php/AJAISD/article/view/75


The emergence of autonomous vehicles (AVs) presents a transformative shift in transportation, promising increased safety, efficiency, and accessibility. However, the complex human-vehicle interaction (HVI) dynamics in AVs introduce novel cybersecurity challenges. Cognitive modeling techniques offer valuable insights into how humans process information, make decisions, and interact with automated systems like AVs. This research paper explores the application of cognitive modeling for understanding HVI in AVs and its implications for cybersecurity.

We begin by outlining the current state of AV development and highlighting the critical role of HVI. The paper then delves into cognitive modeling, explaining its principles and various approaches, such as ACT-R (Adaptive Control of Thought-Rational) and EPIC (Executive-Process Interactive Control). We discuss how these models can be adapted to simulate human behavior within AV scenarios.

Next, the paper examines the key cognitive factors influencing HVI in AVs. These include perception, attention, situation awareness, decision-making, and trust calibration. We explore how cognitive models can be used to analyze potential vulnerabilities arising from these factors. For instance, a model simulating a driver's trust calibration in an AV could reveal scenarios where a cyberattack manipulates the system's behavior, leading the driver to surrender control despite an unsafe situation.

Furthermore, the paper explores the implications of cognitive modeling for designing secure AV systems. By understanding how humans interact with and trust AVs, we can develop more robust cybersecurity measures. This includes designing interfaces that provide clear information about system state and limitations, mitigating automation bias, and implementing safeguards against manipulation of trust signals.

Finally, the paper discusses the limitations of cognitive modeling in the context of AV cybersecurity. While models offer valuable insights, they are simplifications of the human mind and may not capture the full range of human behavior.

In conclusion, this research paper demonstrates the importance of cognitive modeling for understanding HVI in AVs and its crucial role in enhancing cybersecurity. By leveraging these models, we can develop AV systems that are not only technologically advanced but also human-centered and secure.


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